Create More Joy

Episode 01 - The One Where I Started A Podcast

Sarah Damasiewicz Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome, welcome to the Create More Joy podcast! 
Have you ever stuck with something because you've been taught when you start something you have to finish it? Or you feel like you'd be failing if you switched gears?
Well in our very first episode that's what we're chatting about!

Thank you so much for listening!

I would love to connect with you ✨

I spend most of my time on insta so if we’re not already friends let's change that right meow: @freespiritstitches

Grab your free 20 page joy guidebook right here!

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If you’ve been searching for a new hobby/obsession - check out my online self paced ‘learn to crochet’ course: Learn to crochet!

You can also find me on Facebook: @freespiritstitches


Hey friend, have you been feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and like the world has totally gone to shit. Well you're in the right place. Our mission at free spirit stitches is to create more joy in the world any way we can. And one of those ways is with the create more joy podcast. So join me, Sarah D, your spunky, sassy, sarcastic host, as we chat about all things, joy and how to create more of it in your life. Cuz we know the world really needs it. I won't pretend it's always sunshine and rainbows, but I'll be bringing my real life realness. Yup I said real life realness because I know among the messy bits, there's lots of joy too. You're guaranteed to hear some F bombs, that's what she says and lots of tangents. But if you hang with me, I'll help you create more joy. Hello. Okay. Ah, I'm just gonna take a moment. This is the first official episode of the podcast that I am recording. Whoa. So I had this idea for a podcast, not this specific podcast, maybe. two and a half years ago, just as I was starting my crochet business, free spirit stitches. I was thinking, wow, wouldn't it be cool if I had a podcast? And then I thought, well, Sarah, what are you even doing? Where is this coming from? Because this is not something that I normally do that I'm naturally drawn towards, um, obviously spoiler alert here we are. but story for another day. Hello, there's your first tangent. Let's get back on track first episode. That I'm recording the first episode that you will hear, we're gonna appropriately name this one, the one where I start a podcast, of course, you know what it's about? Because you're here listening to the podcast. I am super excited to do this. The main reason that I stopped fighting against what was stopping me is I was trying to get a way that I can converse and connect with you. those people around me, those people in my community, those people that I interact with on a daily basis through whatever aspect of social media we're on, but I wanted something else. So I thought, okay. When I was little, I mean, really now, today, it's still, I dream to be, an author back in the day, Nora Roberts was my idol. That's who I wanted to be if I wrote novels. So I thought naturally that meant start blogging, start writing a blog and that can help with getting your message across about what change you want to see in this world And if you don't already know that change, my friends is joy. I want to create more joy in this world any way I can. Usually it comes in the form of me making fun of myself. So I am. Bringing joy to others that have witnessed it or have been witnessing the residual effects of it later when the story is told. but really, I just want to create more joy. I think there's enough negativity in this world and we can focus on that so much that I want joy. I want joy to be in the forefront and I'll say this, I know that it isn't always sunshine and rainbows, but let's find more rainbows, let's bring in more sunshine to our lives because that has such a magical effect. Not within ourselves, obviously, number one, it will affect us so magically, but the ripples that joy can make and the differences that those ripples can make in somebody else's life. That gets me really jazzed. Gets me really jazzed to be chatting with you, holding the space with you right now, to figure out and help each other and just celebrate, creating more joy for us because it will ripple out to those around you and, oh my goodness what a difference that will make. All right. Look at me. I'm only a few minutes into my podcasting debut and I've probably done two, if not three tangents on the start of my story, like I said, you will grow to love this part. I, I really think it's all part of my charm, the way that I veer off and then will completely forget what the point or the actual start of the story was. Not gonna lie. I did pause recording there for about a minute to regroup my thoughts and think what started me off and how did I get there? What was the point? What was I trying to tell these lovely people that are taking time out of their day to sit and listen? To me, the point was how I went from blogging or thinking I was gonna blog to getting on here and chatting with you, started to do the blog, was writing a couple posts and I was like, woo, this is fun. Okay. Okay. I feel like I am, you know, super not that I was super fancy because I was either in my smash test romper jammies or root sweats. That's what you're gonna find me. the majority of the time right now I am sitting in said romper. Although I do have one for just about, probably about every day of the week, if not more, can probably almost get a two week rotation on it, but I digress. Writing the blogs it was fun, but I only wrote a couple and then it started to feel heavy. It started to feel like a chore. And when I sat and thought about it, I just realized I felt restrictive. It was hard to go on tangents when you're writing letter for letter Blinky, cursor, or just writing it on paper or typing it up on the computer, it felt restrictive and that doesn't fly with me. I like to have a little bit of structure because I need it just in order for me to, to stay somewhat on track. But when I sat and thought about it, I was like, okay. I think it would be fun to just riff, to just turn on the recorder, have a theme, a topic, a story, a message, something that I wanted to get out there, get off my chest and just chatting it out felt really fun, really light and super joyful. You know, we always say in emails, it's really hard that wasn't the tone, but this tone, if it's all caps, I mean, I am guilty of using way too many exclamation marks in emails at work, but I want people to know that I am really excited or that I'm super jazzed about whatever we're talking about that I'm friendly but then not too friendly. So I take out a couple of those exclamation marks. If this is a person we haven't really conversed much over email. So as you can see, this would be a really hard thing to read in blog form. That is what brought me and you together today, listening to my first recorded podcast of the create more joy podcast. I am super stoked, super pumped that I just said, lets, folks, if you got small kids around ear muff them, let's just fucking do it. Love it love that you are here. So the loosey goosey structure of how this podcast will roll is each episode I want you to feel like we're just hanging out, sitting on the couch, lounging around, having a good chat, you know, getting a little bit deep, having a nice little heart to heart, definitely having laughs you wanna be there with your yarn and hook or your yarn and needles or whatever craft you're into. Yes, do it please. That is another reason why I thought it would be great to do the podcast because it's hard for me to read and crochet at the same time. So I thought other people may have the same problem of doing their creative outlets. They wanna be immersed in that, but they like to have a little something to listen to too. What I wanna do is have short little snappers of what's coming up for me around joy, how we can create more joy in our lives And obviously there's going to be some probably kooky stories or just silliness that has ensued in my life. And I wanna share that with you to show you that even though. There can be messy bits and there are messy bits of life. There's lots of joy and lots of ways that we can create more joy sprinkled in amongst those messy bits. The thing about joy is that we are an active participant in our joy. We cannot simply just wait for it to happen to us. We cannot just wait to feel it. We must create it. We must create it for ourselves. Spoiler alert. We are in full control. Of our joy. So my goal with each episode is to leave you with a takeaway what I'm calling a joy challenge, something that you can do to take actionable steps right now today to start creating more joy in your life. So today your joy challenge, if you so choose to accept it is if something is feeling heavy. If something isn't lighting you up, but you're trying to force it. Stop, stop, forcing it, stop doing that thing. Go and make a change. It doesn't have to be a huge change, but listen to your body, listen to your energy. You will know if it's feeling restrictive or if it's feeling expansive. So just take a moment and sit with it, to see how it feels in your body. Thank you so much for listening. And remember sharing is caring friends. I'd be so grateful if you shared this with someone who needs it in their life, make sure to subscribe and it would be super awesome. If you left me a review, I spent most of my time on Instagram, so you can find me there at free spirit stitches. I would love to know when you're tuning in or taking part in a joy challenge. So tag me at free spirit stitches and use the hashtag create more joy podcast so I can celebrate with you. As always, my DMS are an open and safe space to connect. I also have an amazing free 20 page guidebook to creating more joy when you subscribe to my newsletter. So make sure to go and grab that now on my Until next time I'm sending you all the joyful vibes.